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Model Viewer


Editor > Window > Show Model Viewer:

From the left panel, you can change Atmosphere, hide/show ground, or add as many entities as you want. The entities can either be Human or simple Mesh. Pressing Add Entity will open a modal window for you to select the entity type:

Add human

To avoid super slow zoom I enlarge my human x10. That allows to look around him much much faster:

Holding SHIFT while zooming helps also

Add armors

Add armors to the Body parts section, not Items:


For quick tests I am using:

  • lord_walk - lord_walk_forward (good for normal movement testing)
  • run - and the last from the list (easy to set) (good for extreme movement testing)
  • inventory - inventory_idle (good for idle testing, for small details)

Test horse caparison

Select Entity Model > Mesh:

Select caparison as Mesh and horse animations as shown:

Add horse as a second entity:

Set same animation as for caparison:

Click on Animation Control to start/stop animations until caparison and the horse are in sync (maybe there is a better way to sync animations?)

Good armors for testing

Several armors that are bulky and are very good for testing with shoulder armors/gloves/shoes:



Add Leaf Bones enabled

Cause: Add Leaf Bones enabled in the Blender: FBX Export

Missing/bad Armature

Cause: missing armature (skeleton) or wrong armature assigned:

Disabled skinning

Cause: Skinning disabled in material settings:

Model Viewer Problems

Save/Load Scene

File - Save Scene/Load Saved Scene messes up the viewer, weird colors/shadows, no idea how to restore without the Editor restart:

Closed window

If Model Viewer window is closed and then opened again from the menu - it does not work.

Helps only Editor restart: